Sunday, September 23, 2012

HMBTN : Anniversary and Favorite Gift

For this post is a continuation of last week, on the anniversary date of the character, in HMBTN and them favorite gift.

Louis, Spring 2 - honey, jam. Planting pink cat flower as many as 50 flowers, the next day will come bees to your garden, then come to Gotz's home to see Louis, he will tell you that the bees are coming in your garden is a rare bees, which will produce honey with an expensive price.

Bold (Sprite with purple dress), Spring 4 - Sweet potatoes, flour. In the spring, they came home just after 3 pm (do not forget to bring 7 flour), then they'll invite a tea party, and give relaxation tea leaves, use their gifts in cooking competitions (first cook, cook with a pot, add sugar ).
Saibara, Spring 11 - Ore. You can buy and upgrade your equipment in the shop. The store was closed on Thursday, if you diligently give her a gift, you can come one hour earlier than the store open. Give her corn, then he'll give you the recipe from her.

Staid (Sprite with dark blue dress), Spring 15 - flour. In the spring, they came home just after 3 pm (do not forget to bring 7 flour), then they'll invite a tea party, and give relaxation tea leaves, use their gifts in cooking competitions (first cook, cook with a pot, add sugar ). 
Elli, Spring 16 (if your birthday spring 16, then elli's birthday is spring 20) - Flower. She lived with her ​​grandmother (Ellen) and her sister (Stu). She worked at the clinic, she is a hardworker girl, here your rival is a doctor, he also loved elli. Give her a gift of more than one, which could make her heart quickened parameter (the order parameter heart is black, purple, blue, green, yellow, orange, and red).
Her schedule
except Wednesday 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM - Clinic
Wednesday: 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM - Her house
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM - Supermarket
4:00 PM - 7:00 PM - Her house 
Barley, Spring 17 - Flower. He is a yodel farm owner, there is usually used for cow festival (summer) and sheep festival (autumn). He also has a store that sells animal feed, animal medicine and tradding cow or sheep. He closed the store Monday. He lived with her ​​granddaughter. Give him an egg, he will give you a recipe. At the start of games or, come home to him, then he will leave you a horse, which he would later take after the horse is already mature.
Lilia, Spring 19 - Flower, Honey, Jam. She is a poultry farm owner, in there she sold feeds, animal medicine, and tradding chicken. She closed her store Sunday. She lived with her son (Rick) and her daughter (Popuri).

Aqua (Sprite with sky blue dress), Spring 26 - Honey, flour. In the spring, they came home just after 3 pm (do not forget to bring 7 flour), then they'll invite a tea party, and give relaxation tea leaves, use their gifts in cooking competitions (first cook, cook with a pot, add sugar ). 
Greg, Spring 26 - All of kinds fish and Fish food. He lived near the beach and usually come out in the morning. To get the fishing pole, came to the beach in the morning (make sure you provide the one empty spot in your backpack).
Sasha, Spring 30 - Flower, flour, honey. she lives with her ​​husband and child in a supermarket. at 1.00PM normally, she was in the rose square with Manna and Ana.

Popuri, Summer 3 (if your birthday summer 3, then popuri's birthday is summer 10) -  Flower, honey. She lived with her brother (Rick) and her mother (Lilia) in poultry farm. Your rival is kai, she came just last summer. She is a spoiled girl
Her schedule : 
When the weather is good: Except Sunday
7:30 AM - 10:00 AM - Hot Springs
10:30 AM - 6:00 PM - Home
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM - Church (summer only)
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM - Church
1:30 PM - 4:00 PM - Rose Square

When the weather is bad: except Sunday
9:00 AM - 6:00 PM - Home

10:00 AM - 4:00 PM - Church 
Harris, Summer 4 - Flower, onigiri. he was a police and he was the son of the mayor. he's usually around the village to keep the security of the village. If people dressed in yellow to your home, report on him.  
Cliff, Summer 6 - Onigiri, spa boiled egg. He is your rival for Ann. When you're offered the duke the grape harvest in the fall, invite him (to keep your friendship). 
Basil, Summer 11 - Flower. He lives near the library, he was the father of mary, he enjoys writing about the village, he's writing in the library (if you want to read).

Timid (Sprite with green dress), Summer 16 -  flour. In the spring, they came home just after 3 pm (do not forget to bring 7 flour), then they'll invite a tea party, and give relaxation tea leaves, use their gifts in cooking competitions (first cook, cook with a pot, add sugar ).
Ann, Summer 17 (if your birthday summer 17, then popuri's birthday is summer 22) -  Spa boled egg. She lived with her father (Doug) in the bar. Your rival is cliff. She was a tomboy girl, so father she was afraid that if she could not marry. She was a friendly and good at cooking.
Her schedule :
When the weather is good: 7:30 AM - 10:00 AM-HotSpring, 10:30 AM to 10:00 PM - Inn
When the weather is bad: 6:00 AM to 10:00 PM-Inn 
Kai, Summer 22 - Flour, oil. He lives near beach. He only appears during the summer. He is your rival to get Popuri. He also favored by karen. He was a cheerful and forthright. When summer is over, he's going to your farm to buy corn (give a low price, for your friendship) 
Zack, Summer 29 - Onigiri. He lives near beach. He was in charge of purchasing your sales results and deliver the goods purchase of TV Shopping.

Gotz, Fall 2 - Bamboo shot. he was in charge of upgrading your home. He lives near a spa, he is usually looking for wood in the forest.
Stu, Fall 5 - Honey, Juice, Jam. he lived with his sister (Elli) and his grandma (Ellen). When you marry elli, he will come to your home to bring cricket (he said elli really like, but elli fear of crickets), do not show to elli. 

Hoggy (Sprite with yellow dress), Fall 10 -  flour. In the spring, they came home just after 3 pm (do not forget to bring 7 flour), then they'll invite a tea party, and give relaxation tea leaves, use their gifts in cooking competitions (first cook, cook with a pot, add sugar ). 
Manna, Fall 11 - Honey, Flower. She lived in Wine Aja with her husband (Duke). she's a chatty, she is usually gathered in the square rose with sasha and ana. She sells grape juice and wine. give her a pink cat flower then she will give you a recipe.

Chef (Sprite with red dress), Fall 14 -  flour. In the spring, they came home just after 3 pm (do not forget to bring 7 flour), then they'll invite a tea party, and give relaxation tea leaves, use their gifts in cooking competitions (first cook, cook with a pot, add sugar ). 
Karen, Fall 15 - Wine. she was a beautiful girl, picky, expensive and like drunken carousing. Rick is your rival. she lived with her ​​parents in the super market. She likes kai, it makes rick jealous. 
Her schedule :
When the weather is good: Except Sunday and Tuesday
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM - outside the Clinic / Supermarket
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM - House
1:00 PM - 7:00 PM - Supermarket
7:30 PM - 10:00 PM - Mineral Beach
Sunday, Tuesday
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM - outside the Clinic / Supermarket
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM - House
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM - Hot Springs
8:00 PM - 10:00 PM - Inn

When the weather is bad: Except Sunday, Tuesday
9:00 AM - 7:00 PM - Supermarket
Sunday, Tuesday
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM - Home Gotz
8:00 PM - 10:00 PM - Inn
Doctor, Fall 17 - Poisonous mushroom. he's a busy but friendly. he was a guard clinic (closed on Wednesday) and assisted by elli, elli secretly liked. he includes your rival.
Ana, Fall 23 - honey, flour. she lives with her ​​husband near the library. she is Mary's mother. she's usually hanging out with sasha and manna in the square rose. planting 50 pink cat flower, she'll to your garden to pick flowers, give as much as she wants, then she'll give you a power berry.
Rick, Fall 27 - Chicken feed. he's a friendly guy but he does not like kai. he lives in poultry farm with his ​​sister (Popuri) and his mother (Lilia). He is your rival to get karen.

Kano, Winter 2 - Flower, Mushroom. he is a fotografer. he lived with major. if you're a winner in the race horse, he'll shoot you. 
Gray, Winter 6 - Ore. He lived and work with his grandpa (Saibara). he was shy and felt less valued his grandfather. He is your rival to get mary. when he was not working he was in the library.
Doug, Winter 11 - Flour, Curry powder, Oil. He had stayed in retauran with him daughter. he always win in cooking festival. 
Ellen, Winter 13 - Onigiri, Bread, Spa boiled egg. She lived with her grandchild. she was intending to see the flowers of happiness in this season, went to the mountain at 6 pm, you will see the flower of happiness, tell her the next day. 
Duke, Winter 15 - Bread , onigiri, spa boiled egg. He lived with his wife (Manna) in Wine Aja. In the fall he will ask you to help him harvest the grapes.

Nappy (Sprite with orange dress) Winter 22 -  flour. In the spring, they came home just after 3 pm (do not forget to bring 7 flour), then they'll invite a tea party, and give relaxation tea leaves, use their gifts in cooking competitions (first cook, cook with a pot, add sugar ). 
Mary, Winter 25 - Bamboo shoot. she was a sweet girl and loves to talk about books. she keeps her father's library (closed on Monday). Gray is your rival.
Her schedule :
When the weather is good: Except for Monday:
10:00 AM to 6:00 PM - Library
7:00 AM - 10:00 AM - Mother's Hill
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM - in his house
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM - in Supermarket

When the weather is bad: except Monday:
10:00 AM - 6:00 PM-Library
10:00 AM - 12:30 PM - in his house
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM - in Supermarket


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