Sunday, September 30, 2012

Harvest Moon Back to Nature : Events Part 1

Hello, faithful readers otherwayz, this time we will share what is in HMBTN events. Here some events that aren't festivals, but they are events that have to do with the characters! Some of them may have dates, but they are when the person who sent them in witnessed them. Most events can happy at anytime in the year, any day, any time, any season!

Sprite' Tea Party
Ever wonder where everyone is getting Relaxed Tea Leaves? Well here's how!
  • Have the largest Rucksack and buy 7 flours from the supermarket in Spring.
  • Go to Sprite's house at 3 pm and give each sprite a box of flour.
  • They will "invite" you to the tea party(happens automatically) and you get the tea
Ann's Birthday Party
To get invited to Ann's birthday party, you must become friends with her. Try to get her heart up more than  purple. If it is high enough, in the beginning of summer you'll get an invitation in the mail from Ann! It invites you to her party on the 17th! Then on the 17th go to her house between 10Am and 6PM and you'll get to attend her party! Don't forget her birthday gift!

Ann' Nap
If you are married to Ann in the Spring(any year), she will have a "nap". Go halfway up Mother's Hill at any time on a Sunny Day and you'll find Ann.

Doug's Memories
On Fall 5th after 5pm, go to the peak of Mother's Hill. You'll see Doug thinking about his deceased wife.

During the summer(when Kai is home), there is always a hurricane. If you found the bottle, go visit/talk to Kai the day after a hurricane. He'll fill your bottle with perfume!

Dancing With Karen
In Spring year 2 before the New Year Festival, Karen will stop by your house between 12 and 3 PM to practice dancing. If you like her, dance with her at the festival that day after the event.

Fireworks With Kai
On Summer, Year 2, the day before the fireworks, talk to Kai at the beach between 9 and 6 PM and ask him to watch the fireworks with you. This will make you better friends.

Moondrops for Karen
Between the 1st and 20th of Spring if Karen likes you, she will give you some moondrop seeds. Plant them and give them to her when they bloom and she'll like you more.

Corn for Kai
In Summer any year, Kai may stop by and ask to buy Corn from you, sell it to him for 50 gold to make better friends with him.

Helping Winery
On the 14th of Fall, Duke will stop by and ask for help harvesting grapes. Go to the Winery everyday at 11:30 for a week until 5 and harvest. Make sure to get every berry to get 1000G. Also ask Cliff to help you that day Duke asks you to get Cliff to stay, and pick the berries at the spot Cliff goes to first to make sure you get them!

Popuri's Egg
Sometime during the year(Summer I think) Popuri will stop by and give you an Egg. Hatch the egg and name it Popuri and she'll like you more.

Cricket's Stu
This can happen at anytime in the Fall. If you are married To Elli, Stu will give you a cricket at your farm.

White Flower
During Winter, go to Ellen's house and she'll tell you about a White Flower that blooms on snowy days. After that, go to Mother's Hill's peak on a snowy day to see it. Tell Ellen and Basil about it the next day.

Flashing Object
In Year 4 in Winter, walk past the Church after 5 p.m and you'll see a flashing object.

Taking Care of Chickens
If you have a chicken coop extention and only 5 chickens, in the Fall on the 14th-16th Rick will stop by and ask you to take care of 5 chickens. Say yes and this will increase your friendship plus you get to keep the money from the eggs.

Water Mill
In Fall(Year 1 or 2) on any day up to the 27th, Gray make come to your farm as you walk outside. He will be mad and ask to use your Mill to make a hammer. Let him do so and you will raise your friendship. He will weed your field also in return. After a few days he'll ask you to try the hammer, it'll break. Mary sees this, then go to Village Square to see Mary and Gray fight. Gray will later thank you.

Hairy Creature
I have a secret for you about Harvest Moon PSX. Third year,but I don't remember the day or time. You go to the woodcutter's house and there are four people standing next to it. Go and talk to them and they each will say something about a hairy, long-legged, scary monster that tries to attack them at night. Gotz will come out of his house and walk to the back where his long pile of logs is. Go and talk to him and he will say,"I have a hairy face? Don't accuse me!" or something. Then a monkey will appear and walk away. Go back to the four people (Jeff, Kai, Harris, and Stu) and the monkey will be in the center. Talk to everyone and they will say something about the monkey was the thing that was hairy, long-legged, scary monster that attacks them at night. Gotz will come back and say that the monkey came to the bottom of the mountain by mistake and will take the monkey back. Nothing happens after this. If you could please post this on your website, I would be very apreciative. It was a funny cinema. Thanks so much.

Cliff's Family
During Winter, go to the Village Square after 10AM on a snowy day. You will see Cliff faint. Talk to him and you will pick up a photograph. Go to the Clinic and Cliff will be lying in bed. The Doctor asks everyone to leave. Next time you see Cliff, return his photo to become better friends with him.

Harris's Love
About Fall 30th of the 1st year if you are friends with Harris, he'll come to your house at about 6:30 p.m and tell you that he was in love with Aja(Duke and Manna's daughter.) He needs help with writing a letter to her, you can either help him or not. Then the next day visit Manna and you will automatically tell her the secret. After that you do the normal and go to bed. The next morning when you come outside Harris comes and tells you he's sorry to bother you with the little incident. Zack comes by and tells Harris he has a letter to give him from Aja. Zack gives him the letter and Harris leaves happy and goes to patroll. Supposedly this raises your friendship with Harris.

Sandwiches From Elli
In early winter (before the 5th) in the 1st year, Elli will come by at 12:00 to ask if you can try out her sandwitch. You eat it and she implies that you don't like it then she says she'll come back tomarrow. The next day, she comes at 12:00 to give you another kind of sandwitch and you won't like it. The next day at 12:00 she'll come back and give you a combo sandwitch and you'll like it. Her heart level will rise by 1. She'll say that she'll start making the combo sandwitches for Stu. You're just to test out the sandwitches. You MUST be at your farm at 12:00 for those three days for her heart color to rise.

Karen Gets Drunk
While married to Karen, one evening go to the Inn (around 7pm) and Karen will be there. Ann will be talking some sense into her...because she's drunk! Ann will ask you to take her home - you'll arrive home together and she will tell you she's feeling better now.

Expensive Honey
If you have honey, give your hive to Louis and he'll discover that the bee that makes your honey is a rear species. The next day he'll thank you and tell the buyer that the honey should be sold at a higher price. You'll get 60G for your honey now.

Eggs For Ann
On the 6th of the 1st winter, Ann will come by your house to ask if you can bring 3 eggs to the inn for 3 days. If you say yes, you MUST bring 3 eggs for the next 3 days to the inn. After the 3 days, Ann's heart level will go up by one.

Gotz to The Rescue
In the early winter of the 1st year (not sure what day but it should be a snowy day) go by Gotz's cabin and he'll be standing outside his door. If you go past him, he might automatically talk to you, if he doesn't, talk to him. He'll say that a blizzard's brewing in the mountains and for you to stay away for that day. If you start to head up Mother's Hill, you will be knocked out by the storm. Luckily, you'll end up in Gotz's cabin but he will start to scold you saying, "I told you not to underestimate the power of nature!" He will then apologize saying that his family died because of a blizzard.

Apple Pie for Ellen
The date varies for this one, but it is usaully in the summer, in the 1st year. On day the Mayor will come to your house saying that he is going to the nearby village and needs a favor.*supposedly* he gives Ellen (elli and stu's grandma)a piece of pie everyday, and because he is going out of town you should do it. Finish your chores, and then go to the Inn and ask Doug for the pie(just go up to him and talk), and he will give it to you. Go to Ellen house and give her the pie. She will offer you a tip, but DO NOT ACCEPT!!!!!! It is only a few coins, and Elli won't be happy. If you don't accept the tip, Elli will come in and have an extra piece of pie, and she will give it to you. The next day the mayor will bring you a piece of cake.

Jeff Wins a Contest
The date varies on this, but if you go to the supermarket, Sasha an Jeff are talking about how Jeff won a contest and they should do something to celebrate. Leave and go back in and they decided to have a sale to celebrate. It turns out all of the villagers think they are broke and going out of business so they all go pay back their tabs, and now Jeff is out of debt!

Popuri Leaving
To get this, become good friends with Kai in the summer. Just give him a gift everyday. When the summer ends Kai will come and say goodbye and says he is taking Popuri with him. Rick will then come by and ask if you have seen Popuri, you can either tell him that she is at the beach with Kai or that you havn't seen her. If you tell him where Popuri will stay all year long, but if you don't she will leave with Kai and only come back during summers!

Thiefing Cat
Not sure about the date, but go to the Inn in the beginning of second spring and Ann, her father, Harris, May and Barley are all standing in a circle. They say that food is being stolen from the inn. If you enter the back room, a cat will walk by into the main room. When you go back to the main room, they realize that the cat was the burgler!

Good Book
This doesn't happen on a specific date, but around 3 go to your farm and enter and leave your house. Mary will be there (I think you have to have at least a blue heart) and will give you a book. Visit the library the next day and talk to her and tell her you liked the woodcutter, this will make her like you more.

Waiting for Kai
This is a random date event, but it happens on a sunny event. Go to the crossroad near the blacksmith where you turn right to the Poultry farm. Popuri and Mary will be waiting for Kai there.

Elli anf Doctor
If Elli has a Green Heart, walk down to the beach. You will see Elli and the Doctor talking. The Doctor complements Elli on how good a birthmother she is. But then the Doctor mentions something about giving birth is the only reason people come to the clinic, so he's considering quitting. The screen then goes black, but you hear Elli say, "You're not thinking about leaving, Doctor...are you?"

Sick Baby
When you get married and have a baby, one day you will wake up and the baby will be sick. Your wife will ask you what you think you should do. You can either take it to the clinic or watch it carefully. If you take it to the clinic you'll wake up the next morning with nothing done on the farm, basically skipping a day. If you watch it closely, you will eventually take it to the doctor, so it is better to choose the first choice to make your wife think you are more responsible.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Banana Chocolate

For 10 Servings

In this week we will give how to make banana chocolate. Banana chocolate is a simple snack made ​​with a sec. Snacks can we serve for afternoon tea. Okay, here is a recipe from banana chocolate.

Ingredient :

  • 5 pieces banana, split lengthwise
  • 1 tablespoon cocoa powder
  • 10 sheets of spring roll skin
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar

How to make :

  • Mix the chocolate powder with sugar.
  • Prepare one sheet of spring roll skin.
  • Place the bananas and then sprinkle with a mixture of chocolate powder and sugar.
  • Fold lumpia suit your taste.
  • Heat oil and fry over medium heat.
  • Fry until brown bananas.
  • Serve while warm.

Ting ... Ting ... Ting ... Dong ...
Good Luck

Friday, September 28, 2012

Proccessed Cheese

Recipes this week is how to make snacks of processed cheese. Here are the details:

Fried Cheese
Ingredients :
  • 200 grams of edam cheese or cheddar cheese
  • 1 pack of ready-made seasoning flour
  • Cooking oil to taste

How to make :
  • Cut lengthwise edam cheese or cheddar cheese
  • Roll into a ready-made seasoning flour
  • Fry in hot oil until brown
  • Remove and serve
Ting... Ting... Ting... Dong
Good Luck

Cheese Crisps :

  • 200 grams of glutinous rice flour
  • 4 eggs, beaten until fluffy
  • 1/2 teaspoon paprika powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon oregano powder
  • 2 tablespoons chopped celery
  • 1 teaspoon of powdered beef broth
  • 100 grams of edam cheese
  • 100 grams of cheddar cheese
  • 400 ml cooking oil
How to make :

  • Mix glutinous rice flour, cheddar cheese, edam cheese, paprika powder, oregano powder, celery and bouillon powder and stir well.
  • Enter the beaten eggs, stirring gently until well blended. Flatten the dough with a grinder or with a bottle until noodles are thin. Cut according to taste.
  • Heat oil until half hot, fried dough pieces until golden brown or until crisp.
Ting... Ting... Ting... Dong
Good Luck

Nugget cheese :

  • 400 grams of minced chicken meat
  • 4 slices bread without skin
  • 200 grams of grated carrot
  • 100 grams of finely chopped broccoli
  • 1 stalk spring onion, thinly sliced
  • 100 grams of edam cheese
  • 100 grams of cheddar cheese
  • 2 eggs
  • 100 ml of liquid milk
  • margarine to spread

  • 6 cloves garlic
  • 1 teaspoon of pepper
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon chicken bouillon powder

  • 200 grams of coarse bread crumbs
  • 2 eggs beaten off
How to make :

  • Soak bread in milk. Puree and mix with chicken, carrots, broccoli, green onions, cheese, eggs, and spices. Stir until blended.
  • Prepare pan heat resistant, spread with margarine. Pour the batter into the pan. Flatten and steam for 20 minutes. Cool, cut according to taste.
  • Dip a piece nugget into the bread crumbs, then in beaten egg, then into bread crumbs again.
  • Put it in the freezer and let stand for 2 hours.
  • Fried nuggets and serve with chili sauce.
Ting... Ting... Ting... Dong
Good Luck 

Sunday, September 23, 2012

HMBTN : Anniversary and Favorite Gift

For this post is a continuation of last week, on the anniversary date of the character, in HMBTN and them favorite gift.

Louis, Spring 2 - honey, jam. Planting pink cat flower as many as 50 flowers, the next day will come bees to your garden, then come to Gotz's home to see Louis, he will tell you that the bees are coming in your garden is a rare bees, which will produce honey with an expensive price.

Bold (Sprite with purple dress), Spring 4 - Sweet potatoes, flour. In the spring, they came home just after 3 pm (do not forget to bring 7 flour), then they'll invite a tea party, and give relaxation tea leaves, use their gifts in cooking competitions (first cook, cook with a pot, add sugar ).
Saibara, Spring 11 - Ore. You can buy and upgrade your equipment in the shop. The store was closed on Thursday, if you diligently give her a gift, you can come one hour earlier than the store open. Give her corn, then he'll give you the recipe from her.

Staid (Sprite with dark blue dress), Spring 15 - flour. In the spring, they came home just after 3 pm (do not forget to bring 7 flour), then they'll invite a tea party, and give relaxation tea leaves, use their gifts in cooking competitions (first cook, cook with a pot, add sugar ). 
Elli, Spring 16 (if your birthday spring 16, then elli's birthday is spring 20) - Flower. She lived with her ​​grandmother (Ellen) and her sister (Stu). She worked at the clinic, she is a hardworker girl, here your rival is a doctor, he also loved elli. Give her a gift of more than one, which could make her heart quickened parameter (the order parameter heart is black, purple, blue, green, yellow, orange, and red).
Her schedule
except Wednesday 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM - Clinic
Wednesday: 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM - Her house
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM - Supermarket
4:00 PM - 7:00 PM - Her house 
Barley, Spring 17 - Flower. He is a yodel farm owner, there is usually used for cow festival (summer) and sheep festival (autumn). He also has a store that sells animal feed, animal medicine and tradding cow or sheep. He closed the store Monday. He lived with her ​​granddaughter. Give him an egg, he will give you a recipe. At the start of games or, come home to him, then he will leave you a horse, which he would later take after the horse is already mature.
Lilia, Spring 19 - Flower, Honey, Jam. She is a poultry farm owner, in there she sold feeds, animal medicine, and tradding chicken. She closed her store Sunday. She lived with her son (Rick) and her daughter (Popuri).

Aqua (Sprite with sky blue dress), Spring 26 - Honey, flour. In the spring, they came home just after 3 pm (do not forget to bring 7 flour), then they'll invite a tea party, and give relaxation tea leaves, use their gifts in cooking competitions (first cook, cook with a pot, add sugar ). 
Greg, Spring 26 - All of kinds fish and Fish food. He lived near the beach and usually come out in the morning. To get the fishing pole, came to the beach in the morning (make sure you provide the one empty spot in your backpack).
Sasha, Spring 30 - Flower, flour, honey. she lives with her ​​husband and child in a supermarket. at 1.00PM normally, she was in the rose square with Manna and Ana.

Popuri, Summer 3 (if your birthday summer 3, then popuri's birthday is summer 10) -  Flower, honey. She lived with her brother (Rick) and her mother (Lilia) in poultry farm. Your rival is kai, she came just last summer. She is a spoiled girl
Her schedule : 
When the weather is good: Except Sunday
7:30 AM - 10:00 AM - Hot Springs
10:30 AM - 6:00 PM - Home
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM - Church (summer only)
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM - Church
1:30 PM - 4:00 PM - Rose Square

When the weather is bad: except Sunday
9:00 AM - 6:00 PM - Home

10:00 AM - 4:00 PM - Church 
Harris, Summer 4 - Flower, onigiri. he was a police and he was the son of the mayor. he's usually around the village to keep the security of the village. If people dressed in yellow to your home, report on him.  
Cliff, Summer 6 - Onigiri, spa boiled egg. He is your rival for Ann. When you're offered the duke the grape harvest in the fall, invite him (to keep your friendship). 
Basil, Summer 11 - Flower. He lives near the library, he was the father of mary, he enjoys writing about the village, he's writing in the library (if you want to read).

Timid (Sprite with green dress), Summer 16 -  flour. In the spring, they came home just after 3 pm (do not forget to bring 7 flour), then they'll invite a tea party, and give relaxation tea leaves, use their gifts in cooking competitions (first cook, cook with a pot, add sugar ).
Ann, Summer 17 (if your birthday summer 17, then popuri's birthday is summer 22) -  Spa boled egg. She lived with her father (Doug) in the bar. Your rival is cliff. She was a tomboy girl, so father she was afraid that if she could not marry. She was a friendly and good at cooking.
Her schedule :
When the weather is good: 7:30 AM - 10:00 AM-HotSpring, 10:30 AM to 10:00 PM - Inn
When the weather is bad: 6:00 AM to 10:00 PM-Inn 
Kai, Summer 22 - Flour, oil. He lives near beach. He only appears during the summer. He is your rival to get Popuri. He also favored by karen. He was a cheerful and forthright. When summer is over, he's going to your farm to buy corn (give a low price, for your friendship) 
Zack, Summer 29 - Onigiri. He lives near beach. He was in charge of purchasing your sales results and deliver the goods purchase of TV Shopping.

Gotz, Fall 2 - Bamboo shot. he was in charge of upgrading your home. He lives near a spa, he is usually looking for wood in the forest.
Stu, Fall 5 - Honey, Juice, Jam. he lived with his sister (Elli) and his grandma (Ellen). When you marry elli, he will come to your home to bring cricket (he said elli really like, but elli fear of crickets), do not show to elli. 

Hoggy (Sprite with yellow dress), Fall 10 -  flour. In the spring, they came home just after 3 pm (do not forget to bring 7 flour), then they'll invite a tea party, and give relaxation tea leaves, use their gifts in cooking competitions (first cook, cook with a pot, add sugar ). 
Manna, Fall 11 - Honey, Flower. She lived in Wine Aja with her husband (Duke). she's a chatty, she is usually gathered in the square rose with sasha and ana. She sells grape juice and wine. give her a pink cat flower then she will give you a recipe.

Chef (Sprite with red dress), Fall 14 -  flour. In the spring, they came home just after 3 pm (do not forget to bring 7 flour), then they'll invite a tea party, and give relaxation tea leaves, use their gifts in cooking competitions (first cook, cook with a pot, add sugar ). 
Karen, Fall 15 - Wine. she was a beautiful girl, picky, expensive and like drunken carousing. Rick is your rival. she lived with her ​​parents in the super market. She likes kai, it makes rick jealous. 
Her schedule :
When the weather is good: Except Sunday and Tuesday
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM - outside the Clinic / Supermarket
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM - House
1:00 PM - 7:00 PM - Supermarket
7:30 PM - 10:00 PM - Mineral Beach
Sunday, Tuesday
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM - outside the Clinic / Supermarket
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM - House
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM - Hot Springs
8:00 PM - 10:00 PM - Inn

When the weather is bad: Except Sunday, Tuesday
9:00 AM - 7:00 PM - Supermarket
Sunday, Tuesday
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM - Home Gotz
8:00 PM - 10:00 PM - Inn
Doctor, Fall 17 - Poisonous mushroom. he's a busy but friendly. he was a guard clinic (closed on Wednesday) and assisted by elli, elli secretly liked. he includes your rival.
Ana, Fall 23 - honey, flour. she lives with her ​​husband near the library. she is Mary's mother. she's usually hanging out with sasha and manna in the square rose. planting 50 pink cat flower, she'll to your garden to pick flowers, give as much as she wants, then she'll give you a power berry.
Rick, Fall 27 - Chicken feed. he's a friendly guy but he does not like kai. he lives in poultry farm with his ​​sister (Popuri) and his mother (Lilia). He is your rival to get karen.

Kano, Winter 2 - Flower, Mushroom. he is a fotografer. he lived with major. if you're a winner in the race horse, he'll shoot you. 
Gray, Winter 6 - Ore. He lived and work with his grandpa (Saibara). he was shy and felt less valued his grandfather. He is your rival to get mary. when he was not working he was in the library.
Doug, Winter 11 - Flour, Curry powder, Oil. He had stayed in retauran with him daughter. he always win in cooking festival. 
Ellen, Winter 13 - Onigiri, Bread, Spa boiled egg. She lived with her grandchild. she was intending to see the flowers of happiness in this season, went to the mountain at 6 pm, you will see the flower of happiness, tell her the next day. 
Duke, Winter 15 - Bread , onigiri, spa boiled egg. He lived with his wife (Manna) in Wine Aja. In the fall he will ask you to help him harvest the grapes.

Nappy (Sprite with orange dress) Winter 22 -  flour. In the spring, they came home just after 3 pm (do not forget to bring 7 flour), then they'll invite a tea party, and give relaxation tea leaves, use their gifts in cooking competitions (first cook, cook with a pot, add sugar ). 
Mary, Winter 25 - Bamboo shoot. she was a sweet girl and loves to talk about books. she keeps her father's library (closed on Monday). Gray is your rival.
Her schedule :
When the weather is good: Except for Monday:
10:00 AM to 6:00 PM - Library
7:00 AM - 10:00 AM - Mother's Hill
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM - in his house
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM - in Supermarket

When the weather is bad: except Monday:
10:00 AM - 6:00 PM-Library
10:00 AM - 12:30 PM - in his house
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM - in Supermarket